Oodrive delivers secure and streamlined meeting management for the EDF UTO economic and social committee

Selected solutions




CSE members in 6 years


central concerned

Activity area

Energy & Water


EDF’s UTO (Operational Technical Unit), created in 1983, is an engineering center for the Group’s Nuclear Production Department. EDF is the leading producer and supplier of electricity in both France and Europe. The unit has increased its staff from 400 to 900 in just over three years.

It has six site locations in France. It is in charge of maintenance operations, technical expertise, project management and supplier qualification and assessment.

The EDF UTO social and economic committee (CSE) wanted to facilitate the management of its teams’ meetings through a cloud solution that met the group’s IT security requirements. Against a background that necessitates the transition to digital, Rodolphe Paunet, the Secretary of the UTO’s CSE, selected the oodrive_meeting (previously boardnox) solution in an effort to streamline the meeting process while ensuring full security in the sharing of content. Rodolphe explains why he opted for oodrive.

Working with the go-to French cloud solution

2020 will be remembered for the Covid-19 pandemic. It will also be remembered as the year of digitalization. For many, the transition to digital was pivotal in the management of new meeting processes. There was a huge ramp-up in the amount of shared information, driven by large-scale remote working practices. In response to these developments, UTO’s CSE repurposed its members’ collaborative tools.

Rodolphe Paunet commented: “We used an “in-house” American solution prior to working with oodrive. It left a lot to be desired! We needed a fully reliable and secure solution that could seamlessly manage our 900 UTO users’ access rights.”

The CSE needed to use a tool that could operate and prevent technical bugs and network congestion. Mr. Paunet added: “We have not reported a single network interruption or malfunction since we started using oodrive_meeting.

The UTO’s Information Systems Security Manager (ISSM) recommended oodrive’s services, which met EDF Group’s security standards. The success was due in particular to oodrive’s SecNumCloud qualification which ensures the highest level of IT security. Many other EDF entities had already signed contracts for the security and storage of their data with the French player. Rodolphe Paunet made his choice to deploy the oodrive_meeting solution in March 2020.

Leading-edge set-up and access management

Mr. Paunet, who is the sole administrator of oodrive_meeting at UTO stated that document sharing is extensive (more than 1,100 files) as is document type and sensitivity.

Rodolphe added: “All companies are run on specific expertise and processes. Our CSE is required to discuss a number of strategic issues with company directors and EDF decision-makers. In other words, all our data is sensitive; it’s confidential – defense-sector confidential.”

Oodrive_meeting provides real added value with its access set-up features. Administrators decide who can view, edit or share content based on the established hierarchy and security rules.

Commenting on this, Rodolphe Paunet, said: “With respect to the secure sharing of documents, the solution’s cloud format allows teams to use the tool anywhere, from any device. It gives them greater peace of mind.

Encouraging fully localized team discussions

Not only was the oodrive_meeting easily mastered by UTO’s teams, but user feedback has been positive as regards tool use. The CSE’s Secretary details the reasons why support was also key to success during rollout. First, on the technical side, the support team is always on hand to provide guidance and second, on the business side, they helped users pick up the tool and were involved in the initial support phase.

Mr. Paunet went on to add: “I want to commend the smart approach taken by oodrive and its team. They fully grasped the challenges in store for us and took on board our requirements. I had full confidence in the solution and the oodrive team’s willingness to help and answer all my questions following a meeting with the sales manager responsible for the energy sector.

With the newly combined oodrive offer,  oodrive_meeting is now interconnected with the Group’s other value propositions, which include collaborative sharing, electronic signature, digital asset management and backup. In particular, Mr. Paunet highlighted the benefits of a signature module, concluding that “The most important thing for me is to be able to access a fully-integrated and external modular platform that adapts to our needs. In short, as a partner, oodrive provides simple and secure solutions and they always take our feedback onboard.

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