Public Administration and Regulated Professions

Ensure the security of your data in an autonomous Cloud

Digital transition serving e-administration

Steering and successfully completing the digital transformation of government and local authorities and institutions to optimise costs, simplify organisations and improve the quality of service in the public sector is a major challenge. Budgetary and regulatory issues, as well as seeking to improve flexibility and time savings, are all challenges that need to be overcome, which makes mastery of new technologies in a secure environment indispensable.


PCs used in the public sector are encrypted, compared to 43% in the private sector.


report forms submitted to ANSSI with 370 incidents identified, nine of which were classified as major


of such institutions have increased their budgets to implement a stronger security policy

Responding to the challenges and supporting the digital transformation of the public sector

Optimising public spending

The elimination of paper documents, the optimisation of costs and data security and the desire to become more mobile and flexible: dematerialisation offers a range of advantages that are steering the public sector towards digitalisation.

Our Solutions

Become more flexible while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements

Share and exchange all your documents and files and increase collaboration and flexibility in your organisation. Accessible from a very secure space, your data is hosted in France in a certified and confirmed environment.

Our Solutions

Guarantee the security of exchanges

Guarantee the security of exchanges between the State, government departments, administrations, specialised operators, social institutions, regulated professions and local authorities.

Public data is strategic, and therefore needs to be hosted under security conditions suited to its critical importance.

Our Solutions

The simplicity of the software allowed a nomadic user to restore their data without a support call. Without oodrive_save, the incident would have taken much longer to process and the user would not have recovered their data in time.

- Lionel Fontaine, Head of IT Operations, Auguillon

Des réponses adaptées à votre secteur d’activité

Solutions that meet ANSSI requirements

Oodrive, a trusted partner for the management of sensitive data, protects your data with the most advanced technologies and the most rigorous certifications. Your data is hosted in France, under European legislation, which has the highest standards of protection for company data.

Turnkey platform

The public sector generates a wealth of paper documents on a daily basis. With Oodrive, you have easy access to online services, the exchange of information is secure, and your work is simplified.

Sharing and exchange of sensitive documents

In a SecNumCloud environment, we guarantee high availability of sensitive data, data replication to at least one remote site and very secure hosting centres.

Learn more about data security

Manage your sensitive data with confidence